Lord of the Rings rated, in Alternative or all new LOTR LEAGUE

Poll: Do you want Lord of the Rings rated

加入日期: 24 June 2007
编辑8 December 2013 - 5:25 am通过Icey
Lord of the Rings is a style of map design based off of JRR Tolkiens epic masterpiece

We have been playing these kinds of maps since the days of the zone and as such it is time for vooby to offically recognize these maps and add them to the competitive side of voobly

It will draw more players to gametype which will benefit voobly as well

What does it take to get this rated?

]IN LORD OF THE RINGS all players start with a set amount of units, Infantry Archers Elite cavalry Elite Infantry and mythical units related to the LOTR mythos such as Dragons Balrogs Eagles Tom Bombadil Nazgul War Oliphaunts
I have included the best and most played LOTR maps currently
The Silmarillion version 15-9
It covers the First age of Middle Earth, Morgoths war on the Elves Men and Dwarves - 5v3

Lord of the Rings - Last Alliance version fix9
It covers the end of the Second Age of Middle Earth, Elendil and Gil-Galads fight to destroy Sauron 4v3

Tale of Years BETA version 5
It covers the entire Second age and beginnings of the Third Age 4v3

Lord of the Rings - Hannibal
The first major LOTR map it covers the Third age and covers Saurons war on Men and frodo's quests to destroy the One Ring

Fate of Middle Earth - Damrod
Third Age map about the War of Sauron and the Ring

Silmarillion - 15-9 FINAL Use.scx (文件大小: 275.46 KB)
- LOTRLA 7p fix9.scx (文件大小: 210.12 KB)
Tale of Years BETA v5.scx (文件大小: 184 KB)
- LOTR12b.scx (文件大小: 251.34 KB)
Fate of Middle Earth - v4.scx (文件大小: 192.35 KB)
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加入日期: 29 November 2012
发布6 December 2013 - 9:49 am
The Empire LotR strikes back!
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加入日期: 26 November 2012
发布6 December 2013 - 11:24 am
It's about time this gets some serious consideration. This game style has existed since AoK with the birth of the first ever LotR map LotR Mother Map. Long overdue in my opinion.
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加入日期: 28 November 2013
发布6 December 2013 - 11:41 am
if you want to destroy a map even more then get it rated
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加入日期: 28 March 2012
编辑6 December 2013 - 12:53 pm通过Th0m
If you want a new lobby, you should speak to Taff.

My thoughts
If you want a rating system, you need to keep LotR away from the CS lobby. CS players don't have skill level nor the general demeanor required to play LotR - oh and the potential for cheating ohhh my goooooosh.

In regards to the rating system itself, I don't think you should have a feature that ranks players with ratings. After all, the community as a whole could never agree to picking the fairest map. Silm 15 and Tale of Years are entirely unbalanced in my opinion but should not be ignored as they remain popular. Instead, I propose you have a feature which monitors the number of games played and won with each race in each different map. 10 wins in Silm 15 is meaningless but 7 wins in Silm 15 as p2 is insightful. Anyway I suggested this idea a while ago and the ranking system was secondary to what I felt was most important - a separate lobby - so people can wait in LotR rooms and play CS/RM/DM games at the same time. Additionally, the match links would allow for people who are so inclined to collate a library of recordings etc.

I am surprised you haven't mentioned Fate of Middle Earth as it is BY FAR, the most popular, newest map.
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加入日期: 24 March 2013
发布6 December 2013 - 6:24 pm
Th0m wrote:
If you want a new lobby, you should speak to Taff.

My thoughts
If you want a rating system, you need to keep LotR away from the CS lobby. CS players don't have skill level nor the general demeanor required to play LotR - oh and the potential for cheating ohhh my goooooosh.

In regards to the rating system itself, I don't think you should have a feature that ranks players with ratings. After all, the community as a whole could never agree to picking the fairest map. Silm 15 and Tale of Years are entirely unbalanced in my opinion but should not be ignored as they remain popular. Instead, I propose you have a feature which monitors the number of games played and won with each race in each different map. 10 wins in Silm 15 is meaningless but 7 wins in Silm 15 as p2 is insightful. Anyway I suggested this idea a while ago and the ranking system was secondary to what I felt was most important - a separate lobby - so people can wait in LotR rooms and play CS/RM/DM games at the same time. Additionally, the match links would allow for people who are so inclined to collate a library of recordings etc.
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加入日期: 20 October 2013
发布6 December 2013 - 9:19 pm
Th0m wrote:
If you want a new lobby, you should speak to Taff.

My thoughts
If you want a rating system, you need to keep LotR away from the CS lobby. CS players don't have skill level nor the general demeanor required to play LotR - oh and the potential for cheating ohhh my goooooosh.

In regards to the rating system itself, I don't think you should have a feature that ranks players with ratings. After all, the community as a whole could never agree to picking the fairest map. Silm 15 and Tale of Years are entirely unbalanced in my opinion but should not be ignored as they remain popular. Instead, I propose you have a feature which monitors the number of games played and won with each race in each different map. 10 wins in Silm 15 is meaningless but 7 wins in Silm 15 as p2 is insightful. Anyway I suggested this idea a while ago and the ranking system was secondary to what I felt was most important - a separate lobby - so people can wait in LotR rooms and play CS/RM/DM games at the same time. Additionally, the match links would allow for people who are so inclined to collate a library of recordings etc.

Fully agree.
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加入日期: 28 March 2012
发布6 December 2013 - 9:45 pm
Icey wrote:
No its not locked, and having not played for over 3 weeks I don't think you are entitled to tell me whats fair

There are several mistakes here so I'll address each in turn:

I don't follow your train of logic - the fact I haven't played Tale of Years in 3 weeks does not mean I cannot make a valid opinion but more importantly, it does not mean I cannot make a correct observation as after all, I can receive feedback from other players who have played the map. In any case, I think you've missed the point as the fact you disagree with my opinion proves my earlier point that the Lord of the Rings community cannot agree on determining whether or not a map is balanced. I get the impression you totally misunderstood my post and/or failed to read it - I used the word "balanced"for a reason. "Balance" and "fair" are not the same thing. Perhaps you should reread my comment?
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加入日期: 28 March 2012
发布7 December 2013 - 7:36 am
The **** is wrong with you starting that **** when IM TRYING To GET LOTR RATED< you ahvent even played the last 3 serions and you say ITS WIDELY unfair? shut the **** up

I'm not starting **** - I'm just giving you feedback or criticism. I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't think you could take it and scrutinize it objectively - guess I expected too much huh? Now you're also misquoting me - whatever.

The lobby idea has been discussed before - not enough LotR players wanted it.
Your idea about rating LotR on the Alternative ladder is ridiculous. Not only is it in the CS lobby which I have discussed before, the mechanisms required to "rate" a LotR game are absent. Have you even considered what happens when someone has to go - say p7 in Silm has to go but he has already crushed b123 and 6 - his units are transferred etc. What do you do then?
Your idea about introducing it as a league map is equally bad - what happens when nobody bar the existing LotR players play it? No harm done - except perhaps the greatest work of fiction ever written is abandoned because the player base is too illiterate and unskilled to appreciate it.
Who the **** are these people voting no?
I bet they didnt even look at the map

They probably didn't - or got jilted once, maybe twice.
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加入日期: 22 August 2010
编辑7 December 2013 - 7:53 am通过[Eot_]DJ
To be honest I don't really know LoTR maps, just played one of them once in the past, and basing in what is needed for rated maps (balance/fair game) I'd find that/those maps hard to fit in that, similar to PTO/RPG's.

My humble opinion, greetings!
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加入日期: 24 June 2007
发布7 December 2013 - 10:11 am
show them all how smart you are locked
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加入日期: 28 March 2012
发布7 December 2013 - 10:24 am
Icey wrote:
show them all how smart you are locked
Stfu, stop whining. I've done half the work for you. I've shown you the problems now it's your job to solve them.
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加入日期: 11 August 2013
发布7 December 2013 - 10:33 am
Icey wrote:
show them all how smart you are locked

And you seem to be showing how dumb you are.

Any plausible map to be considered to be rated should be 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4.
Fate as a 4v4 is pretty balanced map, could need some more work on it though.
LotR Last Alliance 6p version is a good 3v3 map what can also be considered to be rated.
LotR Mini (smaller version of 3rd Age War LotR map - Hanni) could be the best option to make rated.
Also there are various 2v2 maps which are siege's of cities like Minas Tirith 4p or Helm's Deep Siege. There is ofc 2v2 without siege which is Wilderland (based on 3rd Age battles taken place in area called Rhovanion).

These maps listed would be easiest for new players to practice the gamestyle of LotR and therefore only validate options for to be rated.
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加入日期: 28 November 2013
发布7 December 2013 - 11:00 am
all 4p lotr maps are **** just look at helms deep
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加入日期: 11 August 2013
发布7 December 2013 - 11:03 am
New players don't care about "eye candy" or the layout that much, because they are learning the gamestyle. And it is easier to start playing 4 - 6 player maps than 7 - 8 players maps.

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