The Great Villager

Poll: Does this thing help in first 10 mins of the game?
ya, I know this already
ya, Its really great. I didn't know this till now.
Na, probably its a bug!! needed to be fixed!

编辑29 March 2015 - 8:27 pm通过_Maha
I hav observed a thing(Tested) in AOC many days back. And I doubt whether many players know this. Im writing/sharing this as I didn't find this topic anywhere.

Yes, The thing is first Shepard can hunt a boar or deer without droping the food that is collected from the sheep. If a villi collected some 5 food from sheep then by hunting directly he/she carries food and adds to the food that is going to be collected from Boar or Deer. Like this you can change your villager from one type of FOOD to Others eg: anyone among Shepard, Forager, Fishing, Hunting (Farming is special case)

Secondly, When coming to Farming that is Farmer, I found this little bit buggy or something. Its like when any food collecting villi(carrying some food) is changed to Farming that Villi who has no need to build the farm carries the food. Otherwise, if that villi(carrying some food) needs to build the farm STORES(Remotely) all food after the farm is built(other words when villi becomes farmer from builder) without going to town or mill ;yahoo .

Sometimes you collect more than 10 food by hunting like 30+ and then moving that villi to forage bush doent loose food. villi first goes for foraging because of limit goes back and stores in and then again goes on.

Thirdly, just like Farmer the second case if a villi gathering a resource i used to build an other type of building which gathers resources then also the collected resource is STORED(Remotely) use an 8 collected stone miner to build a mill then stockpile of stone is +8 after mill is build. This happens in all cases like Gold miner>lumbercamp/mill.... Lumberjack>>mining camp/mill .......Hunter/Shepard/Farmer>>> mining camp/lumbercamp

For me though first case seems ok, Second and Third cases look wierd. Anyway have fun! gl! gg!

Thanks for reading,

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发布29 March 2015 - 8:19 pm
It's Userpatch feature.
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发布29 March 2015 - 8:42 pm
[MM]Gallas wrote:
It's Userpatch feature.

then its gonna be a fair play anyway though its not realistic to the extent of a game.
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发布29 March 2015 - 8:51 pm
[MM]Gallas wrote:
It's Userpatch feature.
And Third case shud apply when a TC is built otherwise its beyond the ability of a villager.
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 [ Wf ]sJesse_OwenSs

发布6 June 2015 - 7:09 am
;news ;news ;news

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