mouse auto scrolls to the top


发布28 March 2013 - 6:21 am
I have this problem now and then, restarting is a pain and thats the only way it stops. I tried killing multiple apps to see when this issue occurs .. but did not help much...

And voila i found something better than a restart : log off and log in

Still a pain but less than restarting.... have fun.. cheers
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编辑20 April 2013 - 4:36 pm通过Coat_of_Arms
Or press all arrow keys one by one, more times. Always worked for me.
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发布26 July 2013 - 4:55 pm

I tried this record game again today and It seems perfectly fine. Everything is normal. How ever I have couple of questions:

1. When you tried with different Mouse, is the problem of auto scroll to top still exists??
2. What OS are u using.
3. Try to run in 32-bit using compatibility mode..

Win 7/8 who are using 64 bit OS >
This is only solution . Change OS platform for aoc/aok and you will see no crash and mouse/keyboard problems in game.

What others talking about is luck ,like 2/100 it will work with up,up-down,down keys. rofl well this is not solution that remember keys like applying/using cheat in x-box's games. ;lol

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