Community Forums > Voobly Community > Other Games > Midtown Madness > Is this officially dead or what? TIME TO DE-COMPLICATE

Is this officially dead or what? TIME TO DE-COMPLICATE


发布25 June 2012 - 1:57 am
that "optional tickbox" fcked up my whole experience, didn't play after it showed up...

first it was microsoft's fault, this time was Homer for sure. The world's full of good intentions that go wrong

I still love you all either way...
homer(K), don't work so hard next time you do something good. Good sometimes is bad in another point of view
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发布4 July 2012 - 1:07 am
I guess so, lol
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编辑5 July 2012 - 7:35 am通过_XBD_sk8_
derp, i have seen some people playing on the other client. g/v/e-ranger or something. funny how people are so ****,. spliting the community in 2 different place.

bravo lol anyway if we want to people to come back we only need 1 big tourney liker homer did before and some people will start to show up again just for a game like the old days ,
and just like before people will stick around abit,
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发布21 July 2012 - 10:15 am
o.o' Did the game die out?
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发布24 July 2012 - 5:25 pm
still hereeeeeeee
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发布12 August 2012 - 11:51 am
there are many people playing on game.ranger but sadly most of them are laggy arabs, atleast someone is playing there, voobly sucks so thats why nobody comes here
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发布25 February 2017 - 5:30 pm
He loves you too, Matt :)

Hey Daik!

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